ART活動始めました。是非覗いてみて下さい。 テーマ「人と建築」human&Arcitecture
At the age of 13, SHUN became interested in architecture through magazines. He discovered the depth and the importance of architecture and became interested in design. In 2004, he found his own architectural design studio and created works on architecture and people.
[ Space always has people ]
People live their daily lives with different needs and desires.
“What do we think and what do we feel ?” He would like to convey, in the form of art, the importance of space, where we send our days . However, it is so personal, ambiguous, and difficult to identify or embody the emotions. The result is a series of oil paintings with a painting knife for the architectural , where the person play a simple and indiscriminate supporting role.
油絵:F6 (409×318mm) 「Have Fun」party kichen
油絵:F6 (318×409mm) 「Central Pillar」大黒柱
油絵:F6 (318×409mm) 「大きな木の下で」夏の居場所
油絵:F6 (409×318mm) 「憧れ」adomire
油絵:F10 (455×530mm) 「アマビエ」in your element 【SOLD-OUT】
油絵:F6 (409×318mm) 「the other side」向こう側
油絵:F6 (409×318mm) 「二羽のカラス」stayhome
油絵:F6 (318×409mm) 「Don't lament」嘆くな!
油絵:F6 (318×409mm) 「Where I live」ボクのいるところ
油絵:F10 (455×530mm) 「notice」Its not good
油絵:F6 (318×409mm) 「Praying」祈り 【商談中】
油絵:F6 (318×409mm) 「原点」from scratch
油絵:F6 (409×318mm) 「apartment」個性と調和
油絵:F6 (409×318mm) 「stayhome」yellowblock & bluesofa
油絵:F10 (530×455mm) 「Touring in AFRICA」 【SOLD-OUT】
油絵:F10 (530×455mm) 「Friends」 仲間たち
油絵:F6 (318×409mm) 「N.Y」頑張る君へ 【SOLD-OUT】
油絵:F6 (318×409mm) 「Relax」レッドカーペット
油絵:F6 (318×409mm) 「Loser」
油絵:F6 (318×409mm) 「渡り廊下」crossing corridor